Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sentiment in the Zen UML

UML to do some design, the developers would think they would not write a program. Indeed, reducing the efficiency of development with the UML, the benefits are not obvious. So we see a lot of places in the textbooks used UML, UML explained that using someone else's system.

I was beginning to learn from C + + object-oriented programming, was IO stream and Borland Turbo Vision convinced by this OO design, OO programming marvel at the elegant, so committed to learning OO programming.

When I think in OO programming, small pet, the Internet saw the introduction of UML. Begin to understand UML, my feelings are complex. Original software is designed so that from? If, as Booch says, then we have been making kennel building has been made does not know how? So have the urge to learn UML. But with the depth of learning, created new problems. UML is difficult to grasp, despite the "proficient UML" like the book. Only use case diagram for the Forum met in BBS do not know how many people the right to draw use case diagram. UML is not only difficult to grasp, and very "shallow" - it is only a representation of it. It is just a language, this language level of spoken words in the end, obviously depends on the speaker's other qualities.

UML and OO thinking of what is important? No OOA / OOD's deep knowledge, learn how to use UML? When I try to do some design with UML, do not feel like writing a program. I use UML reduced development efficiency, the benefits are not obvious. There are also a number of other problems are bothering me, such as: how to use case-driven approach to design a way similar to the Swing class library? Why give examples of books to give to all ATM machines? Why are so many excellent open source software, few claims are designed and developed in this way? I doubt whether this approach is really valuable.

Language and even his thinking. Wittgenstein should hold this view. Orwell in his famous book "1984" has a description, that "something new" for the ideological control. UML1.x version of the actual design may be done a lot of simplification, so I have a UML "new words" feeling. My mind, once the UML and the "symbolic violence" linked.

Kent Beck is said to never draw UML diagram, draw up a simple point of CRC cards are often encoded straight away. But many people do not suspect that he is a good OO designer. So I think most of the time are test-driven, dependency injection, code that is designed such problems, and UML lopsided.

Random chance, I read a little Buddhist and stories. Left me a deep impression that Zen Liuzuhuineng is illiterate. Transmission of the Mind Zen Chuan was "outside the Biography, the text does not stand. Zhizhirenxin see of Buddha." And it is the Sixth Patriarch illiterate, asked, "do not stand writing" of the monks, was finishing his speech and became the only one written by the Chinese Buddhist texts is called upon - new event . One thing is very contradictory. Platform Sutra records, benefits can not become a monk when he heard someone reading "Diamond Sutra", "Hui Neng heard in the heart will be enlightened tomorrow." This is the "Wu Ji teaching cases." After the Sixth Patriarch, Zen into the "not legislative language," non-word meditation times. Road as the language barrier in this, as reading brick into a mirror for the mill. However, there is no text after all the inconvenience to the Northern Song Dynasty, recorded as a large number of general circulation Zen light, the increasing prevalence of participation in the style of koan study, the text of the sky by the Zen. "Do not stand writing" the Zen become "separated from the text" of Zen.

Suddenly I seemed to understand the meaning of UML exist: that can not be said for that. "Forty-nine years, said Buddha, never spoke the word." Buddha said: can not say that. Obviously can not be said, was sympathetic and said so much.

Previously that the design of OO systems take hold of a point on the line, that is, "Imitation of Nature." Then is the "use of magic, Bottom of Heart." Structure in this theory, it seems there is no UML location. After all, "Road to the eternal Tao." But Buddhism has given me inspiration, these books over and over again after spending a lot of effort to speak in terms of some of the things that do not understand. "Do not stand writing" is "that not"; "separated from the text" and "how to say something not said." For this can not talk about things, people often use allegorical or in someone else's story to illustrate that truth visualize the abstract released.

UML is doing the same thing, so we see a large number of textbooks to use in UML, UML explained that using someone else's system. Perhaps we learn in textbooks through the UML and other UML design to achieve, "Wu Ji teaching cases."

UML is also a training of the imagination, so that you all have not the time, and vividly imagine the system might look like. A great designer, must be a person with extraordinary imagination. UML is a raft to cross the river, across the river for people who have naturally do not need to; for not crossing the people who want to transition, it is very needed. At this point my feeling is: "always wasting over power lines today, the water itself."


What is UML?

Unified Modeling Language (Unified Modeling Language) is a used to describe, construct software systems and business modeling language, integrated in a large, complex system design domain were recognized for excellence in software engineering.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Private enterprises have joint creation 6 years to develop its "wealth snowball" skills

Archer Square, Nanjing 40, a quiet office building, nearly a thousand software engineers to gather together here last year achieved sales of nearly 10 billion yuan, the development of software supporting the four major telecommunications operators in China, the core system, and taxation, social security, education, information and other new areas of the city to achieve extraordinary results. These basic elements, outlined the domestic famous software companies - the basic outline of Nanjing Linkage Technology Co., Ltd..

No one would think, 6 years ago, the beginning of joint venture is only a record with only two dozen small companies and individuals in the ownership dispute, take the road of privatization of small companies. On the surface, joint creative development placid, nor do mergers, acquisitions like big move. But is such a large share of employee-controlled enterprises, government support and social development opportunities, the short span of six years, trained a "wealth snowball" skills. Joint creation at the helm Sun Libin told reporters about one of the "wealth trajectory."

Bodiless-for "stocks" - Three Changes, key employees of the shareholders and investors together of the world's leading fortune

United ups, born in May 1997, born out of the Genesis Group. Birth, it has a strong background of state-owned enterprises - Genesis Group, spun off the software sector, and Nanjing has a government background, the three joint venture of state-owned company, established in Nanjing joint creation. Only six months, the company develop from two dozen to 100 people, the scale of business skyrocketed.

But we are concerned about the rapid development of business when Sun Libin has resolutely made a very risky but it now seems is the right decision.

The end of 1997, Sun Libin made the first option to board restructuring proposal, holders of shares of the Company for technical backbone. A ripple! Support of and against the holding of a speech, the company is facing unprecedented hardships. Finally, half of the employees leave the company at the cost of the completion of the first joint creative evolution: staff to become a one-third share in cash to shareholders.

Joint creation of the second evolution is in November 2001. With the national development of the process of privatization of some enterprises, joint creative support of the Government in Nanjing, the pace of privatization has taken a genuine, one after another out of state-owned shares, the staff re-finance the purchase.

Completion of the private system of joint creation, soon made the pace of international development, beginning the third evolution: the successful introduction of three renowned international investors - the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd., Intel Corporation, Softbank China Venture Investment Co., Ltd., the three co-creators to invest 14 million U.S. dollars joint venture capital, will be restructured into a joint venture joint record.

"Joint creation of the three evolution of mechanisms to solve their capital while the company has established a perfect modern corporate governance structure, business development and long-term interests of managers and employees together to make it to masters of their own participation management, solve business 'agency costs' of the problem, completely cleared the institutional obstacles to enterprise development. "Sun Libin said.

Wealth of experience: the state-owned - private - joint venture, joint creation bodiless for "stock" of the evolution of the road very instructive. Mechanism to establish good corporate capital, is one of the essence. This capital mechanism, but also established good business talent and incentive mechanisms. These are precisely the number of private enterprises to grow in easily overlooked and difficult to crossed a threshold.

Fostering an entrepreneurial gene - 6 years, the joint venture mechanism to create a unique incubator of the seven subsidiaries

Copy of the latest data show that in 2003 IT professionals quit enterprises was 14.5%, while the Beijing software enterprise personnel turnover rate is as high as 26%. However, joint creation, six years of active personnel turnover rate of less than 5% on average, key employee turnover rate is less than 3%.

What makes the joint creation with such great talent cohesion?

"Employee ownership is an aspect to be widespread, but more important is the unique joint venture create internal mechanisms. In the joint creation, everyone has the opportunity to become an entrepreneur. Enterprises in the entrepreneurial spirit of employees through training and awareness also actively draw businesses to come to venture outside the elite, its platform and setting up the business. "Sun Libin said.

Is currently senior vice president of Dr. Huang Xiwei, is the joint creation in 2000 the technical director. At that time, he was found in the product development, broadband access authentication server market to promising and rapidly submitted to our discussions. Soon, the program has been recognized by the company and the investment funds, led by a small number from the Huang Xiwei, entrepreneurs, project development and promotion. In 2003, Union funded the formation of new communications companies, and entrepreneurial team led by Huang Xiwei and also to raise funds for a small part of the shares come. Joint creation of a new industry, company growth was incubated.

So far, Union in this way were hatched out seven subsidiaries. At the same time, a number of new entrepreneurial spirit of the times with the birth of the new company was hatched out.

Wealth of experience: "Everyone has the opportunity to become an entrepreneur." Just a word, not only embodies the company's personnel system, but also the performance of the enterprise's talent. And it is such a talent mechanisms and talent, forging a joint cohesion and create a huge core competitiveness.杩欏浠モ?浜衡?涓烘敮鎾戠殑鐜颁唬浼佷笟鏉ヨ鏄惧緱灏や负閲嶈銆?br />

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